As you check out the progression below...please keep in mind that all of the inking was done by hand and took hour and hours to complete. Hours, I tell ya!!
Some beautiful stick-figure conceptual art...

Rough Sketch...

Detailed Sketch...

Many hours of inking...

Many hours, I tell ya!!!

Boom!! Ink on the shirt...

Now go buy one! Or at least tell a friend!
This is amazing artwork! I hope you realize you have great artistic talent. The shirt design turned out great!
Thanks, Leena! However, I do need to point out that I am not the artist...unless you are referring to the wonky stick figure sketch ;-) We use different artists for different styles, trying to achieve the best work possible. Thanks again for the kind words.
The drawing process of Ink on the Shirt is really fantastic.This is the amazing work and look like pencil drawing.
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Excellent help! Thank you for this great tutorial!!
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