The year was 2008 and we had spent much of the year coming up with new designs for our first online launch. For those who don't remember, t-shirt designs at the time were dominated by Affliction and Ed Hardy. Much of the imagery used by Affliction, such as royalty, swords and such, lends itself well to chess. I thought that we might as well take advantage of this trend and design an Endgame shirt that was in the same vein.
Ultimately, I just couldn't go through with it.
Not sure this guy's a chess player. |
I was very happy with the artwork and the overall execution of the design. However, when it came time to actually print the shirts, I was having second thoughts. I felt that I was only printing this design because I wanted to capture some of that sweet Affliction market share. In the end, my conscience won out and the design was never printed.
It hurts a bit when I realize the time and money that was spent on designs that were never printed.
I guess it's all part of the game.