After much thought and frustration in trying to figure out what girls like...I came up with the concept of a mermaid that has been playing chess with her long-dead lover for centuries. And because mermaids are immortal, I thought it would be clever to name the design The Immortal Game, after the classic game between Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky played in London in 1851.
So here is my lame initial sketch...
Somehow, through the use of magical powers, my horrible markings are turned into this amazing work of chess art...
I absolutely loved where this was going, but thought we had a little too much mermaid boobie showing. So we made the sea shells a bit more modest and the hair a bit more concealing...
We are close...but I wasn't too happy with this color we changed it to a darker one. We also did some work to improve the mermaid's face...and BOOM, the design is finished.
And what the whole thing looks like on the shirt...
So there you have it. Go get it, girls! And guys, go pick one up for your girlfriend or wife! You can find it HERE.